Blockchain and enterprise NEED each other

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By Faris Oweis

Teamwork makes the dream work. 

First question should be what’s the dream? The next question is who has the best team to make the dream a reality? In the blockchain world, there are thousands of companies trying to achieve one common dream, which is to create a new web with an entirely new value system and operating system to facilitate those values—values that relate to individual agency, equitable value distribution, and digital rights more in alignment with our natural preferences. 

The best teams are usually diverse, a fluid mix of various skill sets that all come together over a period of time while attracting collaborators to create network effects. In sports, this is what separates dynasties who consistently win, versus teams that have moments of success but eventually disband. 

At first glance, it seems like the blockchain world suffers from the technology lacking features or everyday practicality. The media reports that there are not enough transactions per second, mainnet v2 doesn’t scale, etc. As a result, the blockchain community looked inward to fracture the dream into different factions most likely to realize the dream. Ethereum, IOTA, EOS, and countless others claiming technological superiority needed for quick adoption. 

At Instigation Protocol, we think differently. 

The problem isn’t the technology. We see the biggest opportunities happening through community activation and commercialization through functional partnerships. As long as the technology works, the largest hurdle now is getting a large enough cohort to road test, legitimize, and build a large enough pool of users to breathe life into these ecosystems of value. 

At Instigation Protocol, we’ve dedicated 100% of our energy this year to:

  1. Engaging blockchain companies limiting their potential by not having two specific skill areas: business development and storytelling with non-technical enterprise audiences (or the connections to get in the door)

  2. Creating revenue generating collaborations with enterprises in singular vertical without compromising on one guiding principle—value distribution isn’t just a nice to have concept, it’s a competitive advantage.

We believe embracing enterprise as a long term partner is not only helpful, but necessary for both the blockchain technology companies and their commercialization partners. Blockchain technology companies bring a new wave of thinking along with eager development talent while enterprise brings processes and supply chains to help standardize and scale that innovation.  

Up next, but not published yet…

We’ll cover the Top 10 Ways Technology Companies Limit REAL LIFE Adoption by not including enterprise.

And last, but not least in this three part series, we’ll uncover How Blockchain Startups Can Get Millions of Real Users Overnight.

Faris Oweis