Web2 -> web3 in consumer tech

While many of you might debate these findings, this is a an attempt to understand the current process of evolution we’re in, moving from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 where transactions, data, and content happy between peers and are governed by platforms that distribute value in an open and transparent way.

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Faris Oweis
Blockchain and enterprise NEED each other

We see the biggest opportunities happening through community activation and commercialization through functional partnerships. As long as the technology works, the largest hurdle now is getting a large enough cohort to road test, legitimize, and build a large enough pool of users to breathe life into these ecosystems of value.

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Faris Oweis
Who owns our digital souls? 

The intersection of technology, timing, and our newly formed digitally inspired consciousness lead me to believe that this economy around value sharing is an inevitability. This is why I’m working with the open source project Streamr.

Streamr is a real-time ecosystem formulated around the value of our digital souls. Who owns the footprints we leave behind online? How and where might this value be used, exchanged, and compensated?

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